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04 December 2005

4 Bookstores, 1 Book

The Quest for A Novel
You guessed it! I was looking for Annie Proulx's novel. You will not believe what I've been through for that book. Six hours of shopping, 4 bookstores, disappointment after disappointment and finally, there was light! I was at Borders and MPH (The Curve) looking for the same novel but alas, Annie Proulx was on display but not Brokeback Mountain. Went on to check with the Information Counter (Borders) and that poor dude didn't even know where was Fiction located and how was books arranged (usually by last names but he searched first names and book titles). Went to IKANO (opposite The Curve) for Popular Bookstore. Well, I can tell you that it was 31,000 square feet of bad customer service. In addition to that, the book I wanted wasn't there. Feeling hungry, I pestered my sister to drive to 1 Utama for lunch. One last try at MPH and voila... Brokeback Mountain! Hallelujah.

Didn't get the chance to read it yet. Will do as soon as possible.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you didn't ask this mad photographer sister of yours to join you in your quest for this book eh? How could you?... Next time hor, when you have such fun thing to do, REMEMBER ME yeah. And I'll start shooting your 'documentary' for keepsakes...

Quote from my bro's Virgin Post:
"In every occasion, you will have a photographer gone mad (by mad I mean taking photos as if the world is going to end). In that case, she's my sister."

Your 'mad photographer' sis,
Alice in Wonderland

5:07 PM


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