This is the place where you will find everything about me. What, when, where, who and how... It's my life the way I see it. After all, it's my HORIZON!

17 August 2006

When I was looking at an advertisement in The Star (15 Aug 2006, pg: N28Nation), I realized that time has changed. The advertisement was about Motorola’s latest Bluetooth headsets. It featured a good-looking guy with a bluetooth device hooked on his ear, holding a whisk and a mixing bowl. Tell me, what would’ve happened if this were to be published 10 years back?

The perception is so different now that men who cook are attractive. Men with fashion sense are attractive. Men with emotions are attractive. All these were different 10 years ago. Men were suppose to be dominant, butch and rough. Showing emotions and dressing up out of the norm will get you banished from the society of the manly men. Now, we have metrosexuals, mirls and ubersexuals. Now we have advertisements showing men playing domestic roles on TV. The world and perceptions have indeed changed and the changes were good. Many still refuse to accept that men should be comfortable with their feminine side. In fact, the idea of putting the words “feminine” and “men” or “male” together offend certain people. Everything depends on individuals. Some accept, some don’t.

So, Motorola did a fantastic job by featuring a hunk with everything I’ve said above. MOTOFREEDOM? Indeed! Well done! It appeals to both male and female demographics. It certainly caught my attention!

Petulant Child
I so want to comment on an issue involving two very prominent people in the country. However, I don’t want to end up in jail for doing so. Why? If you’re blogging about the government, you’ll end up in jail under ISA if you say the wrong things or in other words, you’ll be shiatzed!

However, I am going to leave you with 2 excerpts from today’s newspaper.

“… he would only stop making remarks/criticism about the government if the bridge across xxx strait was built.”

“He can say anything, but I’m the dude and I have a job to do”

So tell me, which sentence you fancy?

(Sentences have been changed to avoid unnecessary f**k-ups from anybody who wants to find fault with me – under 18 readers, sorry for the language used)


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