2007... Piggy Year!
"BONJOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ala Raven style (fr Disney, for the uninitiated).
1st and foremost, year 2007! It's the year of PIG. Or should I say BOAR... hmmm. I like PIG. No wonder I feel so powerful on this New Year's eve. It's the coming of my year! LOL. (I googled this zodiac thingy at the time of writing, so if it's not the year of PIG, pls don't laugh your butt out).
Move on... New year resolutions. Do I have any? I am not sure. Hurray!!! Maybe I have a few in my mind but it's not confirmed. It's pointless when you have resolutions but never try or no track records of achieving them. Savvy??? So rule no. 1: Think Deep. (I'm not making sense, am I?) But I guess I don't need to make sense because it's MY year. Ze Piggey.
Will post me resolutions up soon. Till then... PIGS rock!!!! (smile)
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