This is the place where you will find everything about me. What, when, where, who and how... It's my life the way I see it. After all, it's my HORIZON!

20 January 2007


Lately, I've been misunderstood rather often. I have people telling me "Work is work, but never neglect your friends" or "Why do you need to work so hard for?" or the best one... "I know you don't treat me as your friend. At least, not those that you care about!"

The last one made me furious and I almost stood up and smothered him* to hell! Nevertheless, I maintained my composure and was very calm. Almost as if I didn't feel anything. Let's clear something here...
  1. I like my job. It's challenging and fun despite the long hours and the best of all, what I do have huge impact on my company from many perspectives. It's meaningful. My company is in the financial and service industry and is very technical in nature. Naturally, if I want to excel, I will have to put in the hours and my bosses trust me. That trust means a lot to me and there's no way I'm not going to deliver.
  2. If I didn't call or text, that doesn't mean I have neglected that person. If you don't know, I'm not those that will call for no reasons. I will text, but don't expect 1 everyday.
  3. I miss my friends. Who say I don't? I just don't say it out. What's the point? Often, that feeling will be substituted very quickly by my excitement in my work.
  4. I work hard because I WANT TO and not I NEED TO.
  5. Finally, PLS USE YOUR BRAIN. If I don't care about you, why in the world would I ask about you or took the initiative to email/phone/text/meet up with you? When you called and I told you "I'm tired. Why don't we talk tomorrow?" or "I'm busy at the moment. Perhaps you can text me. So sorry" or "Hey, I'm in the middle of something", you snapped at me and said "You don't wanna talk to me is it?" or "You're always like that" or "Sometimes, it's like you don't wanna talk to me or see me". HELLO... I'm not answerable to you nor am I obligated to talk to you when you call. If I'm busy, I say I'm busy. Why would I wanna say otherwise?

So, in short, if you think I'm unworthy to be your friend, why bother befriending me? You may severe the friendship. FYI, it's in my resolution for 2007 actually. And if you know me well, I can ignore a person or leave something and move on very quickly and it doesn't affect me even a little. If you don't know this fact about me, you barely know me at all. If you do (some of my friends do), you will never ask such silly questions!

* Applicable to male and female.

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Blogger Alice said...

My dear bro,

I'm sorry to hear about this. But this is bound to happen, sooner or later. People, and I mean your friends, will ask such questions. They'll question the sincerity of your friendship. Especially when priorities and circumstances differ.

I think it's good for you to focus on your work. I've been there, done that. If you want something, go for it. There is always trade-off(s), which is why support and understanding are very important. These are the rare things that will ensure your success.

For example, supportive friends who know you well and therefore, cheer you on on your quest to become someone, or to achieve some goals. They don't question your availability for them, they just cheer you on. They offer silent support when you're busy; create a din when you're done and obtained what you need i.e celebrate with you. That goes with spouse, or in your case, girlfriend (if you have one lah).

Then again, don't ever forget who your friends are, or achieve success at their expense. Meaning 'using them' to get what you want. I'm sure you're not one of those piranhas.

So there you go, my dear bro, being misunderstood is part and parcel of life. But hang in there, all things will come to pass. Keep friends who are worth keeping, and let go of those who no longer wants to be with you.

Cheers to your aspirations and goals! You're a good dude. This I know very well.

2:38 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

not to trivialize the issue but each & every person will always view things from his or her own perspective

do what you want to but its good to keep your ears open as well as mayhaps there's a slight sense of truth behind anothers thoughts & words

have fun at work in the week ahead!

3:30 AM

Blogger John Teh said...

If there's truth, I'll accept but pls deliver it subtly. If you point a gun at me and shoot like hell, I'll give point at you a big cannon. That's exactly what they've got from moi.

Well, I guess everyone's entitled to their own thoughts and etc. I just live my life the way I see fit! Sweep sweep, and move on.

11:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes moderation is key. Take your time and see what the situation is before you sweep people away. You have your own character and other people have theirs as well. Just gotta meet in the middle and make things work. If people don't take the effort to understand you then yeah i totally agree they are not worth being friends with. Take things lightly when it comes to less important stuff like people bugging you. Let them do what they please because end of the day it is you that decides how and what you want to feel. That is why i believe in the saying 'ignorance is bliss'. Think about it!

Be happy and be the joyous person you are. Don't let petty things throw you down from your padestal. I know you are smart enough to think and handle the situations. So carry on ol chap! The Queen Shall Rest at WORK now...
Peace out King!

4:14 PM

Blogger John Teh said...

You actually wrote that comment at work? R.E.S.P.E.C.T. babe. LOL.

10:16 PM


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