This is the place where you will find everything about me. What, when, where, who and how... It's my life the way I see it. After all, it's my HORIZON!

12 March 2007


I've decided to cancel my gym membership. It seems that I'm going nowhere. I spent too much time in the office. Clocking in ridiculous hours, all in the name of perfection and efficiency. I just want to go home everyday, see my family, catch up a little on the happenings within my little family unit and call it a night.

To a certain extent, I think I'm beginning to burn out. Nevertheless, I still have my zest and vigour to continue, maybe because I like what I'm doing. Sometimes, I ask myself whether is this what I want. Slept on it a while and I came out with a "Yes" answer. I can't blame anyone with that answer. Told myself for the millionth time that I'm gonna cut back and live life. Fuck, I can't do that. I think I don't wanna do that. Working gives me a sense of belonging. Some people say I'm stucked in a rut, I seriously doubt that.

So, what do I do everyday when I'm home from? I eat dinner with my family (sometimes outside, sometimes in the office), get my rest and watch movies. Time will fly by and the clock will strike 12am and I'll call it a night. I will lie on my bed, my mind will start processing tomorrow's work; how to solve the structural linkages between numerous programmes, how to standardise business processes within the system, why is this business behaving in such a manner, FOREX gain/loss account, restructuring business programmes and a million other questions of which all pending answers, if not now, later...

I doze off, eventually... knowing tomorrow is another exciting day!!! I never cease to amaze myself.


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